About Coaching


What would you do if you were a little braver, bolder and believed you could?

About Cocoon Transformational Coaching

My coaching practice takes a person-centred, integrative approach. While strictly following ICF guidelines, I provide a unique approach for working with my clients, with the body being an integral part of the work. I love using techniques based on neuroscience, NLP and narrative coaching, working with each person as a whole, unique individual.

    I won't tell you what to do, I'll gently challenge you, help you see your blindspots and help you access your own inner expertise. You'll get clarity, understand yourself better, and gain new insights to help you untangle your thoughts. Coaching isn't therapy - we'll have a forward-looking and positive focus. It's uplifting, life-enhancing and powerful!

    Challenging even a tiny thought in your brain can open up a WHOLE UNIVERSE OF POSSIBILITY!


    Investing in coaching is making the decision to commit to improving your life and your future.

    Working together with a coach who really listens, sees and hears you, you can fast-track forwards and give yourself the permission, possbility and work out the 'how' to start creating the joy and impact you long for. Now, not later.


    Weekly or bi-weekly, one-to-one sessions which take place via Zoom 

     How could your life look in 3 months time if you had my support, accountablility and belief in you for the next 12 weeks? If you decided to really prioritize and invest in yourself?

    How would it feel to be taking strides towards improving your life?

    • Tackle overwhelm and your inner critic from the inside out by making shifts in your thought patterns and behaviours so you can feel more energetic, present and free.

    • Re-find and re-invent yourself as the person you want to be as you envision and create the next chapter of your life.

    • Gain the clarity and confidence to pursue your purpose and embrace your ambition in a way that feels good to you.

    • Feel empowered and emboldened to play bigger, set and achieve inspiring goals, with my accountability to keep you on track.

    • Identify and dismantle limiting beliefs which have been holding you back, grow your belief in yourself.

    • Develop the courage to take risks, set boundaries and put your needs and happiness first.

    • Cultivate your self-worth so that you can stop comparing yourself, and learn to trust yourself as the perfectly imperfect human you are.

    • Leave behind the 'shoulds', identify and align with what really matters to you. 

    • Open up your full realm of possibilities, so you can start to feel like you're on track to creating a life that feels well-lived on your own terms!

    Have me in your corner to really listen to you, support you and cheer you on as you tune into you, become unstuck and take steps to create the life and future-self you truly want to embody.

    Because your one, precious life matters!

    Let's have a chat!

    In this free, no-obligation call with me on Zoom you can get a sense of what it would be like to work with me as your coach and ask any questions you might have.

    I'm looking forward to meeting you!

    "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."  Anais Nin


    I'll be running a small-group coaching programme starting Spring/Summer 2024.

    For enquiries, to get on the waiting list or for updates send me an email.


    By providing individual coaching for your team members you can create a happier, more productive workplace.

    What might it mean for your company (and ultimately your customers) if there was a non-judgemental space where people could safely talk problems through, think out big ideas, feel empowered to have a voice and gain confidence in their individual strengths?

    • Coaching helps with transitions by helping employees get clear on what they'd like, and how they see their role and their work life moving forward.
    • It helps individuals discover what's important and how they can effectively manage their work/life balance.
    • It helps staff remember what they love about their work, get more sense of purpose, focus and drive.
    • It helps your team get clarity on what they'd like to change, how to communicate it and how to move forward.




    “Rachel has helped me a great deal through her coaching sessions. She is an absolutely brilliant listener and seamlessly guides you through the sessions. Rachel helped me with work-life balance issues, time-management and helped me to let go from holding onto a few toxic relationships, something I had been trying to do for over a decade. Ultimately, the sessions with Rachel have given me skills and confidence to create boundaries in many aspects of my life which created increased wellbeing. Rachel has a calm, caring and kind personality and I cannot recommend her enough”

    Erica E.

    - Teacher, Scotland, UK




    “I cannot imagine anyone who would not benefit from talking through life's questions big or small with Rachel. She is an attentive listener, full of understanding and insights. Our conversations create a space that allows me to better understand myself and grow.”

    Dr. D. Peterzelka

    - Philosopher, Germany


    "Rachel has that rare talent - the ability to not just listen, but to really hear what you are saying. My coaching sessions with her gave me real food for thought and organically led me to reflect, well after a session was over. Her mastery of guiding you down the path of discovering your own conclusions and solutions is most valuable. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her."

    Linda A.

    - Photographer, Switzerland

    Get in Touch

    Feel free to ask me any questions you might have here. 

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you!